Monday, September 20, 2010

Scanner envy

You guys, why didn't anybody tell me Inception was such a good movie? (I know you did; irrelevant) I would have seen it sooner. Joseph Gordon-Levitt got pretty fine after 3rd Rock.

I have some more DC Comics fan art in the works but then I promised myself I'd do some original concept art, which will probably show up here in the coming months. The webcomic project has actually lifted off the ground but I made a calculated error: the dead-tree sketchbook in which I'm drafting it is too big for my scanner screen. Even my regular sketchbook is about a quarter-inch too large so it gets these wrinkly gaps of dark splotches from air pockets. (Technical terms, y'know) I think it's time for a new, useful scanner. I might need to talk to Sanity Clause about that.

I've got some decent short stories-in-progress still in the wings but I've been crazy distracted with trying to get a website launched. Here, I have no skill set. I grew up in a household with computers and I'm in my twenties. And yet when it comes to html code I just go all Hansel on everything.

But a particular knight on a white horse called me and is set to talk about it this weekend, so I might be saved and the gnomes can finally take a day off.

That Hansel is so hot right now.